The Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) team provides support to patients with Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis. The IBD team is a multidisciplinary team of Consultant Gastroenterologists, Surgeons, Registrars, Pharmacists, Nurses and Dieticians, all with specialist knowledge of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Lead IBD Clinician: Dr Charmian Banks – Consultant Gastroenterologist
Consultant Team
Nursing Team
Additional team members
If you become unwell between appointments, we provide a flareline service for you to call for help.
The FlareLine is run by IBD Nurse Specialists who can provide expert support and advice about Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Other members of the local IBD team (e.g. doctors or trained administrative staff) may answer them too.
They're for IBD patients who:
They shouldn’t be used:
Frequently Asked Questions are answered below, and for more general information about Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and other forms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), patients can contact the Crohn's & Colitis UK Helpline.
Telephone: 01483 571122 ext. 2423
Telephone line opening hours: 24hr voicemail
IBD FlareLine email: rsch.ibdnurses@nhs.net
Time to respond: Within 2 working days
This is when symptoms of your Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative Colitis return. These may include;
You may also experience other symptoms such as;
If you have signs of a flare up and are taking 5-ASA medication, it is safe to double your daily dose for 6 weeks. 5-ASA medications have different brand names, please see below for guidance:
Even if your symptoms settle quickly, continue taking the higher dose for 6 weeks then reduce back to the lower dose.
If you have known kidney problems please do not increase your medication without seeking advice first.
If you are prescribed suppositories or enemas and you have a supply of these at home, start these as well as increasing your 5-ASA tablets. It is safe to take them every night to control your symptoms.
If you do not see an improvement to your symptoms please contact the IBD FlareLine.
Please contact the IBD FlareLine via telephone or email, your query will be responded to within 2 working days.
If the problem is urgent, or the IBD FlareLine is unavailable, patients should contact their GP/ out-of-hours service, ring 111 or go to the NHS England website.
Some signs could include:
Yes or you may have been started on an alternative immunosuppression medication named 6-Mercaptopurine. You should have been fully counselled about this medication. Please contact your IBD Team if you need further information or read the Crohn’s and Colitis UK medication leaflet.
Yes. You are required to have a blood test every 2 weeks for the first 4 weeks of treatment, then every 4 weeks until the medical team advise it is safe for you to go on to 3 monthly blood testing.
All patients with inflammatory bowel disease should have the annual flu vaccination, and 3-5 yearly pneumococcal vaccination as available.
No. It is unsafe for you to have live vaccinations whilst taking the following medication;
Crohn’s and Colitis UK website have some useful leaflets explaining these medications;
You will also be fully counselled by your IBD Team before starting this medication.
You should avoid taking these medications and discuss with your IBD Team if these are required for another illness. Where possible you could try paracetamol or codeine instead.
In the past we had a successful patient panel who helped us secure a second IBD nurse. Due to team constraints we have been unable to meet this year. Should you be interested in joining the patient panel in the future please let a member of your IBD Team know.
Useful websites:
Important Telephone Numbers: