If you can’t find the number you are looking for, please contact our switchboard on 01483 571 122. The team will be happy to help.
Our address is:
Royal Surrey County Hospital
Egerton Road
GU2 7XX*
*Please note, the post code will take you to the rear of the hospital on sat navs. To come to the main entrance, please continue straight at the traffic lights onto Gill Avenue and follow the road signs for the car park entrances.
Our Outpatient appointment agents are available: The service is open Monday to Friday 8.30am-4.15pm (excluding bank holidays).
Please give us as much notice as possible if you need to change or cancel your appointment, in order for us to offer the slot to another patient.
As our phone lines are often busy please consider sending an email to: rsc-tr.OPDApptCentre@nhs.net in the first instance.
If your call relates to an appointment within the next 72 hours, please call on: 01483 464002.
Oncology Outpatients
01483 406 761
Radiotherapy Reception
01483 406 600
Radiotherapy Booking Office
01483 571 122 ext. 6632/2570
Radiotherapy Private Patients
01483 571 122 ext. 6530
Nuclear Medicine Reception
01483 406 700
Chemotherapy Outpatients
01483 406 787
Chilworth Day Unit
01483 571 122 ext. 6842
Onslow Ward
01483 406 858 or 01483 406 859
If you have had a good experience while a patient at our hospital then we would love to hear from you. Your feedback is very valuable information and we are grateful for you taking the time.
Positive feedback is welcomed and helps us to understand what is important for you as a patient, carer, relative or as a visitor.
Please share any feedback on our NHS Choices page and we will ensure your views are shared with our staff or your compliments can be sent directly to the appropriate Ward Manager.
Healthwatch Surrey is an independent service listening to Surrey residents’ experiences of health and social care in Surrey.
They provide feedback, reports and recommendations to service providers and decision makers to influence, inform and, if necessary, challenge decisions and plans both for existing services and new ones.
Their Helpdesk can also provide advice and information about health and care services:
You can contact the team via:
You can also share your feedback on the Care Opinion website. This service is independent of the Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust and the NHS.
The Press Centre is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
If you are a member of the media:
Tel: 01483 408 337
Email: rsch.pressoffice@nhs.net
For urgent and out of hours queries please contact the main hospital switchboard on 01483 571122 and ask to speak with the on call Director.
For medical advice when it isn't an emergency, call NHS 111 free from any telephone (just dial 111 from a landline or mobile) or visit the NHS Choices website here.
Find out more about:
Board and Council of Governors: rsch.board@nhs.net
Ali Ashworth
Head of Corporate Governance
01483 571122 x3285