The Cancer Centre provides high quality care for all patients in a friendly and professional setting.
The services have received national and international recognition and praise, and patients benefit from the latest and innovative treatments available, delivered by a team of committed and highly skilled staff.
In Summer 2022 we began work to expand and modernise our building. This work will provide more clinical space with more facilities and easy access between waiting areas, clinical rooms and patient services. Find out more about our plans.
Useful contact numbers:
Oncology Outpatients: 01483 406 761
Radiotherapy Reception: 01483 406 600
Radiotherapy Booking Office: 01483 571 122 ext 6632/2570
Radiotherapy Private Patients Coordinator: 01483 571 122 ext 6530
Nuclear Medicine Reception: 01483 406 700
Chemotherapy Outpatients: 01483 406 787
Chilworth Day Unit: 01483 571 122 ext 6842
Onslow Ward: 01483 406 858/9
The Cancer Centre is located on the Royal Surrey site at:
Egerton Road