Clinical photography

Clinical photography is used primarily for patient records, teaching purposes and/or publication. Photography for legal purposes is also carried out in the department.

We mainly photograph patients in our dedicated studio. However, we also photograph patients in clinic, on the wards and in theatre. The department’s clinical photographers are trained in ophthalmic imaging, which is undertaken in the eye clinic using a variety of specialist equipment and retinal cameras.

All of our clinical photographers are registered with the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) and are current members of the Institute of Medical Illustrators (IMI).

Why you have been asked you have photographs taken

Your doctor/consultant has asked for some photographs to help monitor and record your treatment and progress. You will be asked for your consent before any photographs are taken. Your doctor will explain why the photographs are needed and whether or not they may be used for other purposes, but do not hesitate to ask the clinical photographer if you are unsure or need further explanation.

How to make an appointment/access the service

If you have been asked to make an appointment for clinical photography please call our direct line 01483 406765 or 01483 571122 ext 4544 during normal opening hours.

We offer a walk-in service during office hours. Appointments and referrals can be made by telephone or email.

What to expect at your appointment

You will be photographed by a qualified clinical photographer, usually in our studio on Level A of the West Wing. The photographers also visit wards or clinics, when required to do so.

You will be photographed soon after you arrive at the department. However, you may have to wait a short time if the photographer is busy with another patient.

Photographs are taken using a digital camera. To help us obtain good, clear photographs you may have to remove items of clothing and jewellery. If you would like a chaperone during your appointment please let us know when you arrive.


How we store your photographs

These photographs are confidential and will be securely stored on the hospital’s Picture Archive and Communications System (PACS) so that they can be referred to by clinicians and healthcare professionals involved with your care.

Contact us

We are located in the West Wing on Level A of our Guildford site – follow the signs to Medical Illustration.

We are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am–4.45pm (closed for lunch between 1-1.30pm). Closed Bank Holidays.

Telephone: 01483 406765 (direct line) or 01483 571122 ext 4544
