We dispense medicines and give them to patients. We also sell over-the-counter medicines, give advice on a range of health conditions, and can help people get the best out of the medicines they have been prescribed.
There are three pharmacies based at our Guildford site, the Outpatient Pharmacy on Level B of our main hospital building, the Cancer Centre Pharmacy and our Drive-by Pharmacy.
We are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.45pm, apart from bank holidays.
We are able to give you advice on your prescribed medicines, including how to get the best out of them, your worries about side effects or any other questions you have.
Our pharmacists and trained assistants are available to provide advice on all medicines and a wide range of different health conditions. This can be done in private – just ask to use our consultation room.
We keep a broad stock of specialist medicines, but will sometimes need to order in a particular medicine, which can take time.
The range of medicines prescribed by the hospital is agreed locally by specialists. Their decisions are published on the Prescribing Advisory Database and the Guildford and Waverly Joint Formulary.
Our service is available dispense medicines prescribed by hospital staff or private prescriptions from outside of the hospital. We cannot dispense prescriptions written by GPs or other practice staff.
Our team can also advise anyone about their medicines and health conditions and can suggest medicines that can help.
You can find the Outpatient Pharmacy at our Guildford site, through the main hospital entrance just around the corner from M&S. You can call them on 01483 402653.
The Cancer Centre Pharmacy is near to the clinic and blood testing rooms, near to the Cancer Centre entrance on level B. You can call them on 01483 464126.
If you travel to the hospital by car you can use the drive-by pharmacy to save you finding and paying for a car-parking space. The drive-by pharmacy is near to the West Wing entrance of the hospital, next to the level B Cancer Centre entrance and opposite the Education Centre entrance. You can call them on 01483 571122, ext 3414.
If you urgently need medical help or advice when the pharmacy is closed, but it’s not a life-threatening situation, contact NHS 111, by dialling 111.
You can also get advice on medicines from any high-street pharmacy, or and ask questions about your hospital medicines from the Medicines Information team on 03006 136 751 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm; service provided to us by Frimley Park Hospital).
Report suspected side-effects to the national medicines regulator.