
The Neurology department specialises in treating conditions affecting the brain and nervous system. 

It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, head trauma, headache, and multiple sclerosis. In addition, our department also includes the Neurophysiology department, and a two-week rule service for suspected brain cancer.

Service details

Our inpatient services offer in-reach to all wards for patients referred with a neurological condition.

Our outpatient services offer clinic appointments to all patients referred via GP or consultant.

We offer specialist nurse clinics for those with an existing diagnosis of epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

Who is eligible for the service?

All patients with reported neurological symptoms aged 16 years and above.

How to access the service?

We take referrals from GPs via the national eRS, and from other consultants via letter or email to our medical secretary team. 

Two-week rule referrals are via eRS using the appropriate referral form and strict inclusion criteria.

We also offer an advice and guidance service via the eRS system.

Contact us

Email: (for referrers)

Outpatient Appointments – 01483 464002

Meet the team

Managerial Leads

  • Hannah Berrington, Head of Service
  • Becky Kenyon, Specialty Manager
  • Katie Nourse, Assistant Specialty Manager

Clinical Directors

  • Dr Louise Green, Chief of Service for Medicine and Interim CD for Neurology

Nursing Lead

  • Laura Treacy, Matron
  • Niru Pun, Epilepsy CNS

Neurology Consultants