We will talk with you about when you might be able to go home. This will normally be within the first few days of your admission to a ward. We will ask you whether anyone else needs to be involved in decisions about your care. If you have any questions, we will do our best to answer them.
We will speak with you about what is working well and whether you need any more support to remain healthy and independent. Our staff want to make sure that you receive the care and support you need, in the best place, whilst any further assessments are carried out. This helps you to recover and remain well.
When you leave hospital, it is important to us that you are safe and able to manage. By the time you leave hospital, we will make sure that you are aware of any services in place to support you. This could include further assessment.
We will start arranging your discharge from hospital before your doctors say you are medically fit to leave. You will not be able to stay in a hospital bed any longer than clinically necessary.
If your chosen community care and support option is not available, or is no longer appropriate, you may leave hospital with a temporary arrangement whilst we work with you to find a longer term solution.
Staying in hospital longer than clinically necessary is not an option.