Alcohol Liaison Service

Our Alcohol Liaison Service provides support to patients presenting with alcohol-related issues. 

The service includes:

  • One-to-one support of patients and families.
  • Access all areas: the team will see patients who are inpatients, attending via the Emergency Department, and via an outpatient appointment.
  • Screening, assessment and daily reviews of referred patients.
  • Referral to community support pathways.
  • Liaison with community partners including homeless services, housing providers, police, probation, drug and alcohol services locally and country-wide and voluntary services.
  • Collaboration with very high-intensity user (VHIU) lead and support for complex case reviews.
  • Peer support as appropriate.
  • Nurse-led outpatient clinics (via internal referral pathway), which are run one morning a week.
  • Teaching and training for staff, patients and relatives.

The service is available Monday to Friday 8am-4pm.

Patients identified with alcohol-related issues/alcohol misuse/alcohol dependence.

Patients are referred internally via the clinical team responsible for care – either inpatient or outpatient pathways.


Id photo of Lead Nurse Antony Gartland

Anthony Gartland - Lead Nurse

Id photo of Senior Alcohol Liaison Nurse

Sian Richardson - Senior Alcohol Liaison Nurse

Id image of Debbie Clements

Debbie Clements - Alcohol Liaison Specialist Nurse

Id photo of Alcohol Liaison Administrator Carolyn Grieve

Carolyn Grieve - Alcohol Liaison Administrator