Our Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Service Fund supports young people aged 16-30 years living with cancer and beyond, who are cared for by the hospital’s incredible Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Service (TYAC).
The brilliant team looks after patients who are diagnosed with cancer at a younger age, providing individualised care, specialised advice and support to young people and their families, in an age-appropriate setting.
By donating to our Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Service Fund, you are supporting young people and their families when they need it most.
Your donation could help:
That sense of community was really special to me: I’ve made some great friends [thanks to the TYAC service]. The meet ups, funded by Royal Surrey Charity, give an opportunity to talk as much or as little about cancer – sometimes it’s a good distraction; other times it helps to know there’s someone to talk to who’s gone through something similar.
Adam was 23 years old when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer.
The difference you make
Your support allows our Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Service team to offer counselling and opportunities for young people to connect during treatment, and even after, so they can meet people going through a shared experience. The fund also encourages peer support by organising regular meet ups and activities
Your support has also helped fund:
There’s more we can do, but we need your help
Thank you for your support.