Please allow two to three hours for your first appointment as you may require blood and other diagnostic tests.
On arrival, please report to the main reception on Level B. The reception team will check your details and register your arrival.
Whilst you wait to see the doctor, one of our nurses may ask to measure your height and weight. Please tell the nurse if your weight has changed in recent months. They may also take a blood sample.
We know that this will be an anxious time for you and the doctor will aim to see you as close to your allocated appointment time as possible. However, occasionally appointments do overrun or our doctors and nurses will be called to deal with an emergency. We appreciate your understanding if we are running a bit late and our staff will do their best to keep you informed of how long you may need to wait.
When it is your turn to see the doctor, they will most likely take a brief medical history, discuss your diagnosis and explain the treatment options available. It may feel like you are being given a lot of information. Do not feel embarrassed to ask any questions that you may have. If at any point you do not understand something, the team will be happy to explain it in a different way.
During this appointment you may also meet other members of your healthcare team, including your clinical nurse specialist (CNS). Your CNS will be your main contact and key worker in your healthcare team and a constant support throughout your care for you and your loved ones. They will be on hand to help you navigate large amounts of information, as well as support your decision making around your care and treatment. They can also discuss any concerns you may have about treatments, investigations, surgery, recovery and life after treatment. Your CNS will also support your emotional, physical and social needs. This will include signposting you to support for concerns around your wellbeing, finances and family.