The Community Matron Service provides visits to people at home to carry out a holistic assessment to delay the onset of health deterioration and maintain independent living.
Procare Community Services (the local GP Federation for Guildford and Waverley) and Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust are working in partnership to provide adult community nursing services.
The team will work with you to provide an individualised care plan to help you remain at home and to prevent any unnecessary hospital admissions.
Our community matrons will be able to coordinate your care with other services such as social care and the voluntary sector to support your health and wellbeing, enabling you to remain well and at home.
Staff work closely with GPs, community nursing service, adult social care, local hospitals, specialist nurses, therapists and others to provide the best possible care.
The service is for adults (aged over 18) registered with a GP in Guildford and Waverley and who have complex needs living in their own or residential homes.
You will be referred by your GP, health or social care professional or following a hospital admission.
The community matron will contact you to arrange an appointment to visit you at home to assess your needs.
Contact this service through our Community Co-ordination Centre on 01483 362 020 which operates 365 days a year 8am - 8am.
Appointments will be arranged according to your needs.