Our Paediatric Urgent Referrals Clinic (PURC) is for patients who require consultant review in an outpatient setting for new, onset symptoms urgently.
All referrals are triaged by one of our paediatric consultants and patients will be seen within four weeks of referral.
Children and adolescents up to the age of 16.
We accept referrals to our outpatient unit from GPs (private and NHS), dentists, opticians and community services and other hospitals.
Medical Secretary:
Mia Down: mia.down@nhs.net
Telephone 01483 571 122 ext 4897
Assistant Medical Secretary:
Debbie Hebditch: Debbie.hebditch@nhs.net
Telephone 01483 571 122 ext 4897
We are located in our Guildford hospital: Outpatients 6, Children’s Unit, Level B, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford.