Paediatric Allergy and Dermatology

Our paediatric allergy and dermatology service provides care for children and adolescents suffering from any aspects of allergic disease and general skin problems. We strive to deliver high quality holistic care in a child friendly environment.

We manage the following conditions:

  • Food allergy (IgE and Non IgE mediated)
  • Eczema
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Asthma
  • Urticaria and angioedema
  • Drug allergy
  • Hereditary Angioedema 

Tests and treatments for these conditions include:

  • Skin prick tests
  • Specific IgE testing
  • Oral food and drug challenges
  • Allergen immunotherapy to house dust mite, grass and tree pollens
  • Topical and systemic treatment of eczema
  • Education on how to use devices such as inhalers, nasal sprays and adrenaline auto-injectors for severe allergic reactions, allergy action plans and asthma action plans
  • Eczema education

Who is eligible for the service?

Children and adolescents up to the age of 16.

How to access the service?

We accept referrals to our outpatient unit from GPs (private and NHS), dentists, opticians and community services and other hospitals.

Contact us

Telephone: 01483 571 122 ext 4636.

We are located in our Guildford hospital: Outpatients 6 , Children’s Unit, Level B, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford

Meet the team

  • Dr Anna Rucker - Consultant Paediatrician with a special interest in allergy
  • Dr Paula McQueen - Consultant Paediatrician with a special interest in allergy
  • Dr Ama Nasira - Consultant Paediatrician with a special interest in allergy
  • Dr Dominika Murgasova - Consultant paediatrician with a special interest in allergy
  • Dr Juliet Williams - Consultant Dermatologist with special interest in paediatric dermatology
  • Dr Natalia Cartledge - Consultant Paediatrician with a special interest in allergy and dermatology (Allergy and Dermatology lead) 
  • Georgina Anderson - Specialist allergy and dermatology nurse 
  • Jo Smith - Specialist allergy and dermatology nurse
  • Rachel Vallis - Paediatric dietician 

Further information

Useful websites

The National Eczema Society website  – registered charity dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with eczema and their carers.

The Allergy UK website  – national charity dedicated to supporting the estimated 21 million allergy sufferers in the UK.

The BSACI website – The British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

The Itchysneezywheezy website – provides information for allergy sufferers and health professionals.

Access the Asthma UK website – work to stop asthma attacks and, ultimately, cure asthma by funding world leading research and scientists, campaigning for change and supporting people with asthma to reduce their risk of a potentially life threatening asthma attack.

The Anaphylaxis UK website – provides support, and comprehensive factsheets, to everyone affected by anaphylaxis and severe allergies.

Information Leaflets 

Download information leaflets from Allergy UK and other specialist organisations:

Allergic Rhinitis and Hayfever

Early weaning

House dust mites

How to perform nasal douching leaflet

Urticaria and angioedema leaflet

The iMAP - milk ladder recipes

Factsheet Topical Steroids

Food allergies and eczema