Cancer Centre

Chemotherapy nurse talking to a patient

Coronavirus advice

Cancer Centre Outpatients

Most outpatient appointments will take place over the telephone or via a video call.

If you have a planned appointment and have not heard from us to change your appointment, please contact us using the contact details on your appointment letter. Please do not come in unless we ask you to.

If you are due to come in for an appointment that we have confirmed is still happening and you or anyone in your household has suspected Coronavirus symptoms, please contact us using the contact details on your appointment letter. We will inform your consultant and let you know what to do next.


There is no longer a requirement to wear a face mask, but you may do so if you wish.

If you are experiencing any Covid 19 symptoms, please contact the department as soon as possible before your appointment.  


Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy continues to be delivered on Chilworth day unit. If you have any symptoms of Coronavirus please do not attend. To maintain some distance between people we have reduced the number of our treatment chairs and extended our opening hours, to ensure we can treat everyone without having too many people in at any one time.

Please come at the time of your appointment and not too early, to minimise your length of time on the unit. Your temperature will be taken on arrival.

Unfortunately at this time, we cannot allow any visitors or family to attend with you. If someone has travelled with you to hospital, please can we ask that they remain in their car. If you or anyone in your household has suspected Coronavirus symptoms, please contact us using the contact details on your appointment letter. We will inform your consultant and let you know what to do next.

Nuclear Medicine

All oncology diagnostic procedures will continue as normal throughout the pandemic. Some non-oncology routine scans will be postponed until further notice. Urgent molecular radiotherapy will continue. We will be telephoning all patients 24 - 48 hours before the appointment to confirm that they still wish to attend and to confirm that they have no Coronavirus symptoms at this point in time. We ask that patients attend the department no more than five minutes before their appointment and only bring someone with them if absolutely necessary, ie a carer. We also request that patients do not remain in the department between their radiopharmaceutical injection and scan and recommend that they return to their car, wherever possible, during this period. If patients are unable to do this, then they may remain in the department. 

All chairs in the waiting area are separated by a 2 metre space and we ask patients not to move these.

If you experience Coronavirus symptoms on the day of your planned procedure, please do not come in for your appointment, instead, telephone the department and we will inform your consultant and tell you what to do next.

Onslow ward

Onslow ward is currently looking after patients with cancer and patients who have had or are due to have surgery.

During this time, we would like it if you had a named contact that the ward can communicate and update you of how your relative is doing, please provide us with one contact number.

Haematology - About us

Oncology consultant talking to a patient

We provide the treatment of patients with malignant and non-malignant haematological conditions. 

The treatments used at our centre are at the forefront of modern healthcare. As with all of our services, treatments depend on individual cases and the stage of cancer. This will be discussed in great detail with every patient by one of our team once a diagnosis has been made.

We provide Level 2b haematology treatment which includes treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and Salvage high-grade lymphoma treatment.

We have a growing portfolio of clinical trials currently open.

  • General Haematology: management of benign blood disorders.
  • Haemostasis and thrombosis: disorders of the blood clotting system.
  • Anticoagulation: management of patients requiring thinning of their blood.
  • Provision of blood products for transfusion.
  • Our main practical procedures are: administration of chemotherapy, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, venesection and intrathecal chemotherapy.

All these services are delivered through a range of activities including Outpatient clinics, Day case care, Inpatient care (Haematology Level 2b), multidisciplinary team meetings and consultative advice to hospital and primary care colleagues. A full clinical and laboratory on call service is also provided.


Patients with Haematological conditions are seen in the Cancer Centre and Outpatients 3. 


01483 571122 ext 6365

Onslow ward

The Onslow ward is the Oncology and Haematology in-patient ward 

Services provided: 

  • Providing in-patient Chemotherapy.
  • Symptom control.
  • High standard of specialised cancer care.
  • Caring for Haematology and Oncology patients.
  • Dedicated rooms for Iodine Ablation and clinical trials.
  • Providing Holistic care from cancer symptoms, encompassing spiritual and psychological support.
  • Dealing with complex discharges.
  • End of life care.


Level F, West wing.


01483 571122 ext 6858

Bone marrow test

A bone marrow test is carried out following a referral from a Haematologist. An examination of the bone marrow is carried out for diagnostic purposes.

Why do I need a bone marrow test?

Your Haematologist will have requested a bone marrow test to help diagnose your condition.

When will I have the test?

The test is carried out as an outpatient, usually on a Tuesday morning. An appointment will be sent to you in the post or you will be informed by telephone.

Do I need a general anaesthetic?

No, you will be given local anaesthetic to numb the area. The test can sometimes be a bit uncomfortable.

How long will the procedure take?

It will take about 30 minutes.

Can I go home afterwards?

Yes, you can go home immediately after the test.

Who will carry out the procedure and where will it be?

Usually one of the Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialists or a senior doctor will carry out the test.

The procedure will take place in the Haematology Room on Level B of the Cancer Centre.

When will I get the results?

An appointment for the results is normally made about 2 weeks after the test. This will be with a Consultant Haematologist.