Specialist psychological and psychiatric support is provided by the Principle Treatment Centre. However, a specialist counsellor is available at the hospital for children and teenagers affected by cancer. This service is also available for siblings. To access, please speak to your CNS.
The Fountain Centre is an independent charity based in Royal Surrey Cancer Centre. They are here to look after the wellbeing of anyone affected by cancer, from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond. They offer a range of complementary therapies, lifestyle services (e.g. yoga, exercise and meditation), psychological support and information/signposting.
Find out more about the Fountain Centre here.
There are a number of national organisations that can provide help, advice and information to parents; some of these are listed below:
Macmillan Cancer Support
Phone: 0808 239 14 92
Visit: www.macmillan.org.uk
Teenage Cancer Trust (TCT)
Phone: 020 7612 0370
Visit: www.teenagecancertrust.org
Teens Unite
Phone: 01992 440091
Visit: www.teensunite.org
Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group
Provide resources to help families affected by cancer in children.
Phone: 0333 050 7654
Visit: www.cclg.org.uk
Young Lives Vs Cancer
Support children and young people with cancer and their families.
Phone: 0300 303 5220
Visit: www.younglivesvscancer.org.uk
The Brain Tumour Charity
Provide support and information for anyone affected by any type of brain tumour. They also run support groups and family days.
Phone: 0808 800 0004
Visit: www.thebraintumourcharity.org
Provide support and advice for families of children undergoing treatment for cancer. They also offer respite breaks.
Phone: 020 8974 5931
Website: www.momentumcharity.org