Oesophageal and stomach cancer

Patient speaking to radiologist


Surgery patients


Surgical clinic

Following your staging investigations, you will have an appointment in one of our surgical clinics. At this appointment you will meet with one of the consultant oesophageal and gastric surgeons to discuss the findings of your investigations, advise you on your diagnosis, and discuss likely treatment pathways. During this appointment we will discuss your general health, fitness and past medical history. From this it may be decided that you need further investigations or referrals. At this appointment you may also meet a clinical specialist nurse and dietitian who can provide you with further support. You will have an opportunity to discuss any concerns with them.

If you are offered surgery, then you will meet your surgeon again before and after your surgery. Surgical clinics are run on a Tuesday or Thursday. They are most often face-to-face, but can occasionally be via telephone.

Read more about cancer surgery at Royal Surrey.


Pre-operative assessment

This will be an appointment with a nurse prior to any operation (including your staging laparascopy) to ensure you are suitable for an operation. They will also discuss any medications in relation to your surgery and provide you with all information required prior to your admission. Find out more about your pre-operative assessment.


Prehabilitation Team

Our PRIME Prehabilitation programme supports patients in the lead up to major surgery. The importance of preparation and prehabilitation before surgery is being increasingly recognised around the world and at Royal Surrey we offer a comprehensive, multi-professional led programme. The team comprises of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and dietitians. The PRIME for surgery programme will help you prepare for surgery by improving your fitness, providing support on emotional wellbeing and offering advice on eating well and positive lifestyle. This preparation will support your recovery after surgery.

The PREHAB team will offer frequent appointments in the lead up to surgery, either face to face or virtually, to support improving your fitness and general health. Learn more about prehabilitation.



Anaesthetists are doctors who are fully trained to look after you before, during and after your operation. If you require a CPEX test (Cardiopulmonary exercise test) you will see one of the anaesthetists for this test. On the day of your operation, you will meet one of your anaesthetists prior to your operation. They will go through some aspects of your health in more detail and will explain the planned anaesthetic to you. You will also have a chance to ask questions and clear any doubts.

Oncology patients


Oncology clinic:

If you are offered an oncological treatment, you will meet with an oncologist soon after your initial surgical appointment. In your first appointment, your oncologist will discuss the treatment options and side effects with you and ask for your consent to treatment. If you decide to continue with treatment then you will begin regular chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. During this time you will regularly see your oncologist (or a member of their team), plus clinical nurse specialists and dietitians, to ensure you are tolerating your treatment and have the appropriate medication and support to enable you to complete treatment.


Depending on which consultant you are with, oncology clinics are held on either Monday, Wednesday or Thursday. These appointments will be a mixture of face-to-face and telephone reviews. Read more about our outpatient appointments.