There are a number of organisations that offer support and information for people with cancer. We have listed some that you may find helpful below:
The Fountain Centre is an independent charity based in Royal Surrey Cancer Centre. They look after the wellbeing of anyone affected by cancer, from diagnosis, through treatment and beyond. They do this by offering a range of complementary therapies, lifestyle services (e.g. yoga, exercise and meditation), psychological support and information/signposting. Discover more about how The Fountain Centre could help you.
Visit: www.fountaincentre.org
Phone: 01483 406618
You can read more about the different types of head and neck cancer on the NHS website (opens in new tab).
You can also read more on the Macmillan website (opens in new tab).
Macmillan has also produced a booklet on head and neck cancer and an audio book. These can be downloaded below:
Second Chance Head and Neck Cancer Group
Support group based in Guildford, Surrey
Visit: https://www.headandneckcancer.life/
The Swallows
Support for all affected by head and neck cancer
Visit: https://theswallows.org.uk/
Phone: 07504 725059
Macmillan Cancer Support
Information and counselling service
Visit: www.macmillan.org.uk
Freephone: 0808 808 0000
Phone: 0207 840 7840
The Olive Tree
Sussex Annex, Crawley Hospital
Visit: www.olivetreecancersupport.org.uk
Phone: 01293 600300 ext 3980
East Surrey Macmillan Cancer Support Centre
Canada Avenue, Redhill, RH1 5RH
Phone: 01373 304176
Citizens Advice
Help with finance, legal issues, blue badges and PIP
Visit: www.citizensadvice.org.uk
Phone: 0800 144 8848