Complementary therapies can be used alongside conventional medicine. Some people find that these treatments help them feel better while undergoing treatment for cancer.
The Fountain Centre offers a number of different complimentary therapy services, including those listed below. You can find out more by visiting the Fountain Centre's website.
To access the below treatments you will need to first register with the Fountain Centre. This can be done on their website.
Can be beneficial in helping symptoms of anxiety, pain and insomnia. Studies have shown that Acupuncture and Acupressure significantly relieves the severity and frequency of menopausal hot flushes. Use this link to find out more and access a number of helpful videos (opens in new tab).
Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as tapping, gives you the skill to manage stress and anxieties when faced with a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Use this link to watch a video on the tecnique (opens in new tab).
Research has shown that physical activity reduces your risk of developing cancer and its recurrence. Maintaining or increasing your levels of activity can help with side effects of treatment. You can watch a Fountain Centre video on Exercise and Cancer (opens in new tab) here.
Aromatherapy massage can help with the effects of cancer treatment, such as anxiety, pain, depression, stress and tiredness.
Hypnotherapy is a way of safely connecting the subconscious to elicit changes in feelings, thoughts and behaviours.
Meditation can help relax, de-stress and quieten a busy mind. Browse the Fountain Centre's meditation playlist (opens in a new tab).
Reflexology involves gentle massage on the feet (or hands). It can be used to alleviate and improve symptoms such as stress and tension.
A gentle touch therapy that involves the placing of the therapist’s hands just above or gently on the person’s (clothed) body to promote relaxation, reduce stress, increase wellbeing and provide a sense of calm.
The main emphasis of yoga therapy is to take an individual approach with each person and to apply the tools in a unique combination. It focuses on re-establishing the balance necessary for health and well-being using breathing, meditation, visualisation and gentle movement. This is a one-to-one face-to-face service.
Patients can obtain a wig via the NHS wig service or their wig bank. The Fountain Centre hairdresser will also provide advice and information on haircare during and after treatment.
They offer massage, reiki and reflexology therapies on the wards to those unable to come into the Centre.
The Fountain Centre is currently running some online groups and wellness days for patients. Please get in touch with them for more details.