Support and wellbeing

Picture of one of the Trust's nutrition nurses

Nutrition Nurses

Your care


How will I hear about my appointments?

The team will either call or email you about your appointments. You will be able to state your preference at your initial assessment. You will then receive a formal letter regarding any admission to hospital that may be needed.


What happens before my treatment?

If the consultant managing your treatment feels that you may benefit from a feeding tube, they will complete a referral to the nutrition nursing service. You will then be seen in clinic by a member of the team who will assess you and talk through your options. Not every patient referred to the team requires a feeding tube. The nurses work closely with Trust’s dietitians and speech and language therapists to determine what will work best for you.

If you would like to find out more about having a feeding tube click here.

If you are having difficulty eating and drinking enough to maintain your weight or you are expected to experience difficulties as a side effect of your cancer treatment, you may be referred to our nutritional nursing team.

You may see a member of the team while an inpatient in hospital or in an outpatient clinic. They will assess you and if it is agreed that a feeding tube will be beneficial, the nursing team will then co-ordinate your admission to have the tube inserted. They will also train you and your family to care for the tube and complete your feeding regime. The nurses will continue to support you during your treatment as and when their help or assistance is required.