Your specialist team will advise which, if any, of the below are suitable for you:
If your cancer is affecting the bile duct in the liver you will need a liver resection or hepatectomy. This is a major operation to remove part of your liver and can include removing the gall bladder. If the lower (distal) end of your bile duct is affected by cancer you may require surgery that is known as a Whipple procedure or PPPD.
You can read more about surgery for bile duct cancer on the Macmillan website.
You can also read more about cancer surgery at Royal Surrey.
Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment where medicine is used to kill cancer cells. It stops the cancer cells reproducing, which prevents them from growing and spreading in your body. If chemotherapy is recommended by your team, it will be delivered intravenously (directly into your vein). This will be administered in Chilworth Day Unit.
Learn more about chemotherapy at Royal Surrey Cancer Centre .