midwife on maternity ward nest to picture of birthing suite

Your Pregnancy Matters: Second Trimester Information and Virtual Tour

This free virtual pregnancy event is facilitated by our Specialist Education Midwives.

We recommend you attend this event with your birth partner from 13 weeks of pregnancy to receive relevant information for the second trimester and to view a virtual tour of the Maternity Unit

During this Event you will be able to;

  • Meet our Birth & Beyond Midwives and to ask questions about our education services
  • View a virtual Maternity Unit tour (Delivery Suite, Midwifery Led Unit and the Postnatal ward) with live in person commentary and the opportunity to ask questions 
  • Explore your birth place options 
  • Learn the importance of your baby's movements and how to monitor them 
  • Explore importance of "Bump Bonding" in pregnancy
  • Start to prepare physically & emotionally for birth
  • Learn when to use the Call a Midwife Advice Line 
  • Collect a 20% discount code to use when booking a Complete course (expires within 48hours from the date of the course).

If you are looking for information prior to 12 weeks please see our Early Pregnancy Class. For information after 25 weeks of pregnancy see our Complimentary workshops and Well-Being Walks.

To book this course, or to learn more, please see the "Free Classes and Events" tab in your Maternity Parent Portal.

Don't have access to the portal yet?

Ask your Royal Surrey Midwife for a Portal Postcard.