Feeding Support
Our dedicated infant feeding team is here to help you get feeding off to a good start. Access guidance and support in a format that works for you during pregnancy, on the postnatal ward and up to the age of two months.
During your pregnancy
- Chat to your midwife, ask questions in confidence and learn what to expect when breast feeding.
- Join our free virtual feeding workshop, check your Maternity Parent Portal for details.
- For specific concerns and circumstances that may impact breast feeding [breast surgery, previous feeding problems] email the infant feeding lead for an appointment rsch.infantfeeding@nhs.net.
When your baby is born
- The first two hours following your birth is protected to allow skin to skin contact.
- Skin to skin contact following birth has many health benefits for you and your baby, it helps them feel safe, supports healthy brain development, as well as colonising their skin with good bacteria.
- Your midwife will guide you with your first skin to skin feed supporting your feeding choices.
- If you have a caesarean birth or need to go to theatre you will be able to have skin-to-skin contact while the operation is being completed, so long as you feel well.
Postnatal ward
- You will have access to personalised support to feed your baby every 2-3 hours.
- If you need additional support we also have the tranquillity of a dedicated feeding room.
Support you can access once you are at home
- Our feeding support team are based at our maternity hubs so you can access personalised support at your postnatal appointments
- If you suspect your baby is unwell or feeding is not going as expected call our 24-hour advice line Call a Midwife 0300 123 5473
- Call 01483571122 ext.4702 Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00 and ask to speak to a member of the infant feeding team
How to access breast feeding guidance between postnatal appointments
Our feeding consultants run postnatal clinics to provide you with additional support
- Guildford Drop-in clinic for babies up to 28 days, every Monday(excluding Bank holidays) 10:30-12:30 The Hive, Park Barn Drive, GU2 8EN.
Please note that due to venue closures there will be no breastfeeding drop ins on Monday the 17th of Feb, 10th of March, 17th of March, 21st of April, 5th of May and 26th of May
- Bordon Drop-in clinic for babies up to 28 days, every Thursday 14:00-16:00 Maternity Hub, Badgerswood Surgery, Bordon GU35 8LH.
Please note that due to venue closures there will be no breastfeeding drop in on: Thursday the 20th Feb
Please check our drop-ins are running here prior to travel.
If you are over 28 days and need support please contact your Health Visiting team.
- Specialist referral clinic, for complex feeding difficulties (including tongue-tie) speak to your midwife or infant feeding support worker to book an appointment
Further information