Contact Us

There are a number of ways you can get in touch with us.

Where to seek help and support

In Labour? Urgent Maternity Concern? Call 0300 123 5473

Call the Midwife 24/7 advice line   on 0300 123 5473

Call a Midwife is a dedicated telephone advice and triage line available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, for women and birthing people who are 16 weeks or more pregnant up to discharge from the maternity service.  It is for urgent maternity concerns about yourself or your baby.

You call for any urgent maternity related concern, including but not limited to:

  • Signs of labour
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Change in baby movements
  • Waters breaking
  • Severe headache
  • Visual disturbances
  • Temperature over 37.5c
  • Persistent Itching
  • Urgent newborn baby concerns

Our midwives will assess your needs, give advice and arrange the right care and support for you and your baby and advise you if you need to attend the hospital.


Urgent Pregnancy Concerns (14-16 Weeks)

If you have any urgent pregnancy concerns between 14 - 16 weeks please contact St Catherines Antenatal Ward on 01483 464147.

For non pregnancy health concerns continue to contact your GP or 111 out of hours.

Urgent Maternity Concerns (16weeks +)

The Call a Midwife Line is a dedicated telephone advice and triage line available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, for urgent pregnancy and post birth concerns (from 16 weeks pregnant to postnatal discharge from maternity service).

If you think you are in labour or have an urgent concern regarding yourself or your pregnancy/baby call the Call a Midwife Advice Line on 

0300 123 5473

You call for any urgent maternity related concern, including but not limited to:

  • Signs of labour
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Change in baby movements
  • Waters breaking
  • Severe headache
  • Visual disturbances
  • Temperature over 37.5c
  • Persistent Itching
  • Urgent newborn baby concerns


Our midwives will assess your needs, give advice and arrange the right care and support for you and your baby and advise you if you need to attend the hospital.

Non-Urgent Pregnancy Concerns (from 14 weeks)

Non-Urgent pregnancy concerns (from 14 weeks to postnatal discharge from maternity service )

You can find a huge amount of information and advice in the Library of our Maternity Parent Portal, or you can discuss non-urgent topics at your next scheduled midwife appointment, for example your personalised plan/birth preferences, screening (tests) options, healthy life style advice, MAT B1 form or general newborn care/infant feeding and more.

If you wish to amend/make an appointment:

  • Midwifery appointments, please contact your midwifery team by phone or email (see below for a list of Midwifery Team contacts)
  • 12 & 20 Ultrasound scan appointment 01483 571122 extension 4920
  • All other Ultrasound and Consultant appointments 01483 571122 extension 4004 or 4740

Community Midwife Teams

If you need to contact a midwife urgently and you are over 16 weeks pregnant please call the Call a Midwife Advice Line on  0300 123 5473

Our community midwives offer three models of care: traditional, continuity and caseload.

Traditional teams

Midwives in the traditional teams offer community based antenatal and post-natal care to women in a defined area.

  • Forest Team care for women who live in the Bordon, Alton, Liphook, Liss and Petersfield area.You will attend clinics at Borden Maternity Hub, Badgerswood Practice, Mill Lane, Headley, GU35 8LH. email:
  • Rose Team care   for women registered with Heathcot and Hillview surgeries in Woking, The Villages Practice in Send, Shere and East Horsley surgeries, Haslemere Health Centre, Grayshott and Fernhurst Surgery and Cobham Medical Centre.  Postnatal care for women registered with these GP practices will be provided by midwives in their nearest maternity hub. email:
  • Hazel Team care for women/pregnant people who live in and around Haslemere. Care provided at the Haslemere Maternity Hub, Haslemere Community Hospital, Church Lane, Haslemere, GU27 2BJ  email:

Continuity of Care Teams

Continuity of care midwives work in small teams caring for women from the first booking appointment until mother and baby are discharged at around ten days after birth. Your midwife will have a set antenatal clinic day each week, so we advise trying to attend appointments on this day of the week so that you optimise your chance of seeing the same midwife. These continuity teams are based at community hubs and provide antenatal and postnatal care 7 days a week. Our aim is that a midwife that you already know supports you in the hospital when you birth your baby. The teams cover the following areas:

  • Surrey Meadows Team provides all midwifery care to women living in Cranleigh and surrounding villages. Routine appointments will be at Cranleigh Maternity and Early Years Hub, Cranleigh Village Hospital, 6 High Street, GU6 8AE. Telephone:01483 956621 email:
  • Surrey Orchards Team provide continuity of care for women living in the Farnham, Aldershot and Ash  area based at the Health Suite, Farnham Memorial Hall, Babbs Mead, Farnham, GU9 7EE. email: Telephone: 01252 716438 email:
  • Surrey Rivers Team is for women registered with Woodbridge Hill Surgery, Dapdune Surgery and St Lukes Surgery. This team hold their clinics at Central Guildford Maternity Hub, Lawn Road, Guildford GU2 4AX. Telephone: 01483 956651 email:
  • Surrey Sunflowers Team is for women registered with a GP at Fairlands Practice, Merrow Park Surgery and Austen Road Surgery.This team will see you at Central Guildford Maternity Hub, Lawn Road, Guildford GU2 4AX. Telephone: 01483 956651 email:
  • Surrey Valleys Team provide continuity of care for women living in the Godalming area at Godalming Maternity Hub, Eashing Building, St Marks and All Saints Primary School, Eashing Lane, GU7 2LF. Telephone: 01483 956656 Ext 6657 email:

Caseload Teams

A caseload team is a small group of midwives who provide all your antenatal and post-natal care and support you at your birth.   

  • Homebirth Team – Surrey Hills. If you choose to have your baby at home this team will provide all your maternity care in the home and dedicated clinics. With the experience and expertise to provide the safest outcome for mother and baby the team passionately support women to have a positive homebirth experience. If you are considering homebirth and want to know if it is right for you and your baby, speak to your Royal Surrey midwife. Not registered with the Royal Surrey yet, then click on the Booking your birth with us button or email our Home Birth team. email. 
  • Surrey Daisies provides all midwifery care to women registered at Guildowns Group Practice (Wodeland Avenue, Stoughton or The Oaks Surgery). Antenatal and postnatal care from this team will either be at the Guildford Maternity Hub or in your own home. Our aim is that one of this team will support you in the hospital when you birth your baby. email:

Concerns After Discharge from Maternity Care

Families are usually discharged from community midwifery care around 10 days after birth, though this can sometimes be later. Once you have been discharged by your community midwifery team, responsibility for your care is taken over by your GP and Health Visitor.
If you have any general health concerns, concerns about infection, require management of chronic conditions or repeat prescriptions you should contact your GP or NHS 111 out of hours.
If you need advice about feeding or general baby care, please contact your Health Visitor by calling the Surrey 0-19 Advice Line, Monday – Friday 9am-5pm: 01883340922
Further advice on your postnatal journey can be found in the Maternity Parent Portal.

The Birth & Beyond Education Team

For queries relating to our free or paid for parent education classes or help navigating the Maternity Parent Portal contact the Birth & Beyond Parent Education Team at:

Please allow 3-4 business days for us to respond.


Professional Midwifery Advocates

Professional Midwifery Advocates (PMAs) are experienced, practicing midwives who have undertaken additional training and are accountable to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

PMAs protect the public by supporting safe and evidence based midwifery practice and endeavour to ensure women have access to information to support their decision making about their maternity care. PMAs are available to support women and families by providing evidence based guidance.

Their professional expertise enables them to provide support and advice to midwives and can act as a resource to assist discussions with women about their care. The PMA team provides monthly restorative clinical supervision sessions for midwives to support professional learning and health and wellbeing.

If you would like to speak with a PMA please contact Belinda O’Connor on 01483 571122 Ext 4706 and she will be able to connect you with one of the PMA team.

Maternity Voices Partnership

The Maternity Voice Partnership represents the birthing people that use our service. The aims and intentions of this group are to provide an inclusive, active and safe space to share thoughts and feedback relating to maternity services at the Royal Surrey.

Our MVP listens to our users and their experiences in order to provide feedback to your midwives, doctors and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) .

MVP’s look at topics that are important to our parents and make recommendations on how maternity care can be improved.

Contact the Royal Surrey Maternity Voices Partnership group via email and follow their Facebook page @royalsurreymvp

The Royal Surrey MVP is seeking a passionate and enthusiastic Vice-Chair to join the MVP leadership team . Explore the job description for full details and complete the application form if you are interested in the role.

Co chair Job Description.pdf [pdf] 1MB