Empower yourself to confidently navigate your Caesarean Birth and Postnatal Recovery
This practical preparation course is a great options for clients who are planning to birth their baby/ies by Caesarean and don't wish to attend a full Labour & Birth Course/workshop. We also welcome any expectant parents who wish build on information taught in other courses* to feel better prepared in the event of an Caesarean Birth.
Birth & Beyond Caesarean Birth Workshop includes:
- An in person, 4 hour weekend workshop for you and your birth partner to plan and prepare for a surgical birth and postnatal recovery
- Opportunities to interact with other expectant parents
- Access to a named education Midwife for follow up questions
In detail
- This course is suitable at any time in pregnancy. Over the four hour workshop you will:
- learn the differences between planned and unplanned Caesarean Birth
- understand how our staff will help you to prepare for your Caesarean Birth, including what to expect at your pre-op assessment
- learn and practice relaxation techniques for you to use before and during your Caesarean birth
- explore our Family Focused Caesarean birth options in order for you to personalise your Caesarean birth plan
- learn about the surgical procedure and what to expect in theatre and during the immediate recovery period.
- learn about our enhanced recovery plan and what to expect during your stay on Shere Ward
- explore further postnatal recovery at home, including pelvic floor health, wound care
*Please note that both our Free Labour & Birth Workshop and paid Birth & Beyond Complete course include an overview of Caesarean Birth
Visit your Maternity Parent Portal here to learn more and to reserve your place
Register for your Maternity Parent Portal account below to log in and book your place on this course.