We manage the nutritional care of anyone having treatment at Royal Surrey Cancer Centre diagnosed with cancers including colorectal, lung, gynaecological, pancreas, renal, melanoma, breast, prostate, neuroendocrine and brain. Any healthcare professional in the centre can refer to us and we also accept self-referrals directly from patients. We will either see you face to face, if you are attending other appointments, and we can also provide advice over the telephone.
We play an integral role in helping you if you are struggling to eat and are losing weight during your treatment. We will also help in providing advice on managing the side effects of your treatment and your cancer so that we can improve your nutritional wellbeing.
Based: Royal Surrey Cancer Centre
Email: rsch.oncologydietitians@nhs.net
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 3229
Lindsey Allan
Frankie Hammond
Naomi Hatchett
Sue Vyoral
Zoe Briscoe
Roxanne Smith
Claire Abbott (Dietetic Assistant)
Sarah Stevens
We provide nutritional support to all patients with a head and neck cancer diagnosis. This includes surgical, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, chemoradiotherapy and palliative care. Once treatment and care is completed at the centre we ask our colleagues in the Macmillan Aftercare Rehabilitation Services (MARS) team to provide ongoing care at consultant led clinics closer to your home.
Based: Royal Surrey Cancer Centre
Email: rsch.headandneckdietitians@nhs.net
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 3229
Liz Price
Louise Chambers
Laura Pearce
Claire Moore
We are based at the Royal Surrey County Hospital working across head and neck cancer outreach clinics located at Ashford, St Peters, East Surrey, Frimley Park and Basingstoke Hospitals. We provide support for head and neck cancer patients after they have completed treatment at Royal Surrey Cancer Centre.
Based: Royal Surrey Cancer Centre
Email: rsc-tr.marsteam@nhs.net
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 3229
Claire Hanika
Nicola Porter
We support people with oesophagus (gullet) and stomach cancers by assessing and advising on diet and nutrition. We see people undergoing surgery and those receiving oncology treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We work closely with the specialist nurses, oncologists and surgeons to manage people’s care.
Based: Royal Surrey Cancer Centre
Email: Rsch.OGdietitians@nhs.net
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 3229
Claire Froud
Alice Kidd
Helen Woods
I provide nutrition advice to patients who are receiving support from the Beacon Centre in Guildford who may no longer be receiving treatment at Royal Surrey Cancer Centre. I see patients at the Beacon Centre but also can arrange home visits for those unable to travel.
Based: The Beacon Centre, Gill Avenue, Guildford, GU2 7WW
Email: rsch.dietitians@nhs.net
Phone: 01483 571122 ext 3229
Claire Hanika