Critical Care incorporates general adult intensive care and high dependency, When you come into hospital you will follow the signs for the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
The ICU has 28 beds admitting over 1,400 patients a year from various specialities, which include hepatobiliary, upper gastrointestinal, gynaecology, urology, maxilla-facial patients as well as emergency medical and surgical admissions. It is one of only a few ICU's in the country to have its own dedicated patient gym.
The ICU beds are managed and staffed by a collaborative and effective multidisciplinary team that consists of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, dieticians, psychologists, pharmacists and other allied health professionals. All care is consultant-led.
There are currently 13 critical care consultants, who together provide 24-hour cover for the ICU. The Critical Care Outreach service is available from 08:00 till midnight. It is led by a senior nurse and is part of the hospital Medical Emergency Team (MET) that provides prompt, skilled support for all staff across the hospital caring for at-risk and deteriorating patients. It also follows-up patients who have been discharged from the ICU in order to optimise their recovery. The service reduces cardiac arrests as well as the morbidity, mortality and hospital stay of high-rish patients.
The Critical Care Follow-Up Clinic is also consultant-led, but the patient is seen by an ICU nurse, a psychologist and a physiotherapist. If you have been a patient in ICU and have any concerns or questions about your recovery and rehabilitation that you would like to discuss please email the unit: rsc-tr.icufollowupclinic@nhs.net.
Telephone: 01483 464 025
East Wing, Level B.