Our Prostate Cancer Surgery Team are regional runners up in this year’s NHS Parliamentary Awards, after having been nominated by MP Angela Richardson in the category of ‘Excellence in Healthcare.’
Angela’s submission included information about the team’s ground-breaking work performing prostatectomies as a day case and their introduction of a self-removal of catheter option for prostate cancer patients recovering from surgery. Both innovations have helped patients to avoid time in hospital and recover in the comfort of their own home.
Matthew Perry, Consultant Urological Surgeon and Clinical Director for Urology said: “The innovations which this team has introduced are ground breaking. The support from our anaesthetists, theatre nurses and Urology nurses have combined to produce a faster, more efficient service; aspects of which are being rolled out in different regions of the NHS. I am incredibly proud of the team.”
Anne Eden, Regional Director of NHS England in the South East region, spoke about the strength of nominations from the South East this year, saying: “I feel incredibly proud. There really is a lot of incredible work going on across the South East which undoubtedly makes a difference to the patients and communities we serve.”