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Could you be a Governor? Nominations now open | News

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Could you be a Governor? Nominations now open

Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust is currently holding elections to its Council of Governors for the following constituencies:

  • Public: Mole Valley (two vacancies)
  • Public: East Hampshire (two vacancies)
  • Public: Elmbridge (one vacancy)
  • Staff – Ancillary, Administration & Other (one vacancy)

Nominations have now closed.  Voting opened on Friday 14 April 2023 and will close on Friday 12 May 2023, 5pm.

How to vote

Please follow the link below for our election website should you wish to vote

Through this website, you will be able to view all the information relevant to the elections, as well as the Statement of Nominated Candidates 


Guildford Public Governor, Dan Bishop, explains why he chose to become a Public Governor:

“I am passionate about the NHS and Royal Surrey Hospital and as a patient, I wanted to give back to the hospital and help be a part of its future. I wanted to use my experiences as a governor by getting involved on deeper levels and representing members’ views.”