Today, we tip our hats to the unsung heroes of healthcare - our pharmacists. They're the guardians of our patients’ wellbeing, ensuring that the medicines they need are not just available but safe and effective too.
Pharmacists are an integral part of our Trust's healthcare team. They work tirelessly behind the scenes, collaborating with our doctors and nurses to ensure the best outcomes for patients.
Did you know our wonderful 170-strong Pharmacy team dispense on average 161,646 prescribed items every year?
Pharmacy is a relatively hidden health career, with many people not fully understanding what the various roles in the field involve. Pharmacists advise patients on minor ailments and help patients manage long-term conditions and spend a minimum of five years studying to practise.
They can work in several environments including; hospitals, community pharmacies, mental health trusts, GP practices, academia, care homes, the ambulance service, prisons - essentially anywhere where medicines are used.
Thank you to our amazing Pharmacy team.