Congratulations Lindsey! | Cancer Centre News

Congratulations Lindsey!

Lindsey Allan award

Congratulations to Lindsey Allan, a Macmillan Oncology Dietitian at Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust, who has been shortlisted for the Chief Allied Health Professions Officers Awards in the Research Impact category.

The awards promote the adoption and dissemination of good practice being delivered by Allied Health Professionals (AHPs), who are the third largest clinical workforce in the NHS.

The Research Impact Award focuses on the contribution of AHPs in developing, leading or supporting research in health, social care and public health and the impact this has.

Lindsey has been nominated for her work with the BOUNCED trial, which is the first study to look at the dietetic management of bowel obstruction. The trial showed that a four-step low fibre, modified consistency diet can reduce symptoms and hospital admissions, as well as improve quality of life in patients with advanced colorectal and gynaecological cancer.

Lindsey said: “I’m thrilled to be shortlisted for this award. The research is ground-breaking as this diet has not been researched before, so I’m pleased that it will get more notice. I’ve been inspired by my patients to carry out research in this area. They are often coping with so much pain, discomfort and stress and I hope that we can make their situation better.”

We’re wishing Lindsey good luck for the awards ceremony being held on 10 October.

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