Tony Dhillon - Medical Oncologist specialising in colon, liver, biliary and pancreatic cancer

Tony Dhillon

Tony Dhillon is a renowned medical oncologist specialising in colon, liver, biliary and pancreatic cancer, who joined the Trust seven years ago.

“When I see patients for the first time it is probably the most difficult time of their lives, cancer has just turned their world upside down. The most rewarding part of my job is being able to say to them, ‘I’m going to help you.’

“As one of only five medical oncologists at the Trust my job involves treating cancer with drugs, as well as sitting on the senior team who decides how we are going to manage each patient’s condition.

“I am also incredibly proud to be involved in research. I have designed exciting new trials, as well as supporting national ones, both of which bring ground breaking treatments to our patients.

“St Luke’s has the title of a cancer centre, which means it is a centre of excellence. That title attracts good people and being surrounded by good people makes you want to be better.

 “On a personal level the hospital is important to me, it is my local hospital and where my son was born. I want it to be great.”

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