Trust receives top patient feedback | News

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Trust receives top patient feedback

PEP Health - 'What patient's think?'

Last week our fantastic Trust featured in a new national report from PEP Health on patient experience across the NHS. PEP Health is a platform that monitors social media to provide helpful feedback to Trusts. Pep Health have found that we are in the top three nationally for emotional support to patients and the top ten nationally for maternity services.

Our Women and Children and Oncology Divisions have both used the platform to make positive changes within the workplace. 

The Women and Children Division used the data to gather feedback to identify their weakest areas within the postnatal pathway, informing an ‘Always Event’, which will be implemented in January 2021. Through the feedback on the platform, they have opted to focus on communication issues around infant feeding.

Our Oncology Division have also been using the data to increase staff satisfaction. They have been using the positive feedback to thank teams for their hard work, especially over the last year with the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only have they shared it internally, but they have also shared it externally to help patients feel safe and supported when under their care.

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