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Royal Surrey’s liver health screening van hits the road for drop-in appointments | News

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Royal Surrey’s liver health screening van hits the road for drop-in appointments

Royal Surrey’s Liver Health Check team will be out in the community on Friday 16 June, with their mobile service, offering drop-in screening appointments at Manor Fruit Farm in Normandy.

The Liver Health Check van enables clinical staff to offer a simple non-invasive test to people aged 35-70 who may be at increased risk of liver disease, based on their medical history.

Visitors can expect to receive a simple and quick non-invasive test, called a fibro scan, from a trained nurse, which looks for any inflammation or scarring of the liver and is completely painless.

Liver disease has no symptoms in the early stages, and as 90% of liver disease is preventable, it is really valuable for people to get an early diagnosis and benefit from specialist treatments that may not be effective at a later stage.

Early screening also helps people make conscious lifestyle changes to improve their liver function and overall health.

Those aged between 35 and 70 with one or more of the following eligibility criteria are encouraged to come along.

  • Past or current history of blood-borne virus- Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C
  • Diabetes or Pre-diabetic
  • Known or suspected fatty liver
  • Overweight
  • Alcohol intake over 14 units per week (equivalent to 6 pints of beer or cider, or 1.5 bottles of wine)

The team will be welcoming people to the van from 8am-1pm at Manor Fruit Farm, Glaziers Lane, Normandy, Guildford, GU3 2DD.

For more details please call: 01483 402665 or email: