Royal Surrey featured on BBC News | News

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Royal Surrey featured on BBC News

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The Trust was recently visited by Fergus Walsh, the BBC's Medical Correspondent, who spoke with clinical colleagues for a news report on how we are treating Covid-19 patients.

The report focused on our use of new continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines which have been designed by Mercedes F1 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic – you may have seen the first versions featured during a BBC report from University College London Hospitals a few weeks ago.

The Trust has been using the second version of the devices which are more efficient and have been an important part of our care of patients with COVID-19 and help to keep a number of patients from needing ventilation. Professor Lui Forni, one of our Intensive Care Consultants, spoke with Fergus and was keen to highlight the hard work and efforts of colleagues at Royal Surrey.

As part of the filming, Fergus met a patient recovering from Covid-19 and also visited ICU to see the stark difference in patient experience and treatment between ventilation and CPAP. At all times Fergus and his camera operator followed our infection prevention control procedures. They also wore compliant PPE and donated additional PPE resources to the Trust to make sure that there was no impact on Royal Surrey stocks as a result of their visit.

The piece was featured on BBC’s 6 o’clock news on 15 April.



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