Residents given the chance to shape the future of local NHS services | News

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Residents given the chance to shape the future of local NHS services

Governors election 2020 pic - various pics of staff working. At the top is the writing 'Governor elections 2020' 'Have you got what it takes to be a governor?'

The Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust is holding Governor elections and is encouraging the public to put themselves forward for these important roles.

Governors play a vital role in shaping the future direction of the Trust’s hospital and community services.

Sue Sjuve, the Trust’s Chair, said: “Our Governors are an important part of our work. They are the voice of patients and the public and provide reassurance and check on the work of the Board and the Trust.

“The work is very rewarding and they have the chance to work with staff and patients in improving services and care.”

The Trust is looking for people who live in the Mole Valley or East Hampshire areas who can represent those constituencies. They are also looking for nominations for the Rest of England constituency.

To stand as a Governor, a non-paid role, you must be a member of the Trust – you can sign up via the Trust’s website.

If you are interested in standing more information is available via the Trust’s website or by contacting 02088899203 or emailing

The deadline for nominations is 28 January.

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