‘Remarkable’ NHS staff praised | News

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‘Remarkable’ NHS staff praised

Maternity staff posing in front of donation

Our staff have been praised for their efforts, ingenuity and ‘remarkable’ achievements as we respond to the Coronavirus pandemic.

They in turn have thanked the local community for the outpouring of kindness and support as they face an unprecedented challenge.

Louise Stead, the Chief Executive of Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust, said that staff had been moved by the donations and offers of help that have come in all shapes and sizes from individuals and businesses.

She also praised the work of staff in hospitals and in the community in recent weeks.

Louise said: “What colleagues have achieved is nothing short of remarkable. We have fundamentally changed how we deliver care as we balance caring for those that need our help now and preparing for the future.

“In a very short space of time I have been inspired by how we have set up onsite testing for Coronavirus, created extra beds in our community hospitals, expanded our ability to provide respiratory care, put in place drive through services for pharmacy and maternity services, transformed how we provide outpatient appointments by increasing provision of telephone and video consultations and worked with third parties to find innovative solutions to the challenges we face.

“I am immensely proud of what our teams have achieved.”

Louise said the Trust was preparing as best it could for the expected increase nationwide in positive cases of Coronavirus and seriously ill patients.

We are urging the public to follow Government advice on social distancing and help protect lives and the NHS.

Louise said the public’s show of support, from the national applause of last week to the donations of goods and offers of help, had lifted the spirit of staff in the Trust.

Louise said: “We have been inundated with offers of help and support by individuals and businesses, both locally and nationally, who have been inspired by the efforts here in Surrey and across the UK.

“Their goodwill has been a welcome ray of light in these dark times. Never has that shone as brightly as when communities came onto the streets last week to applaud and thank NHS staff for their efforts. I was touched by the sheer scale of that response and I know many colleagues were too. Thank you.”

Our Royal Surrey County Hospital Charity has launched a campaign to support the health and wellbeing of staff as they respond to the Coronavirus pandemic.

You can support the appeal by visiting the Charity’s campaign page.

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