One hundredth coronavirus patient discharged from Trust and returns home to family | News

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One hundredth coronavirus patient discharged from Trust and returns home to family

Male patient with a respiratory mask in a hospital bed

The 100th coronavirus patient to be discharged from the Trust has gone home to his family, with staff applauding him on his way out.

Tim Hall, a 37-year-old from Guildford was rushed to hospital by ambulance after struggling to breathe due to contracting the virus.

He commented that “I just remember it being difficult and hurting to breathe. It was horrible and really scared me.”

Once stabilised, Tim was placed on a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device.

Tim said of the staff who cared for him over the 11 days he spent in hospital: “I will be forever grateful for the staff at the hospital – they were absolutely amazing.

“They would sit with me for hours just talking and keeping my spirits high, which made me feel more calm and positive.”

Wendy Fuller, Matron of Compton Ward said, “Everyone at the Trust is delighted that Tim responded well to treatment and that he can now rest and recuperate at home with his wife and children.”

The CPAP device that Tim used, is an alternative breathing aid and unlike with ventilation, allows the patient to remain conscious and breathing independently throughout, something that Tim said “was a big deal for me to know what was going on around me”.

The Trust is trialing a new version of a CPAP device that was designed by Mercedes F1 in collaboration with engineers at University College London in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is more efficient and therefore uses less oxygen.

Professor Lui Forni, Consultant in Intensive Care at the Trust explained how CPAP is helping treat some patients during the pandemic: “The CPAP machine involves oxygen being pushed into a patient’s airways at a continuous high pressure, ensuring the lungs stay open even if the alveoli’s within the lung have collapsed.

“Patients on CPAP devices do not need to be sedated and can therefore feel more in control and involved in their care. These also free up the supply of ventilators for those who critically need them.”

Tim finished by commenting; “Anything you think is worth going outside for, it’s not. Not when you could potentially see your children for the last time – social distancing saves lives.”


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