Local group donates handmade laundry bags | News

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Local group donates handmade laundry bags

Clinical team holding donated colourful laundry bags

Alongside the many donations the hospital has been receiving, a local group recently donated 50 lovely material laundry bags to take worn uniforms home in.

The group was founded Chrissy McHarg, a member of the public, from Liphook, who originally joined a Facebook group called ‘Sewing for the NHS’ to see what help she could do for local hospitals. From this, she founded a WhatsApp group which now consists of around 20 people who have all been sewing headbands and laundry bags for Royal Surrey.

Nurse holding colourful laundry bags The bags are made so that clinical staff can change out of their uniform before they leave the hospital, store them in the bag, and then put them straight into the wash once they are home, meaning the uniform avoids coming into contact with anything else.

They have all been individually made and sewed together by Chrissy’s group. The bags mean that staff have a much better way to ensure they are taking all precautions to prevent infection control when leaving work.

The laundry bags were distributed around the Trust and to community hospitals by Chrissie Beard, Voluntary Services Manager, and were well received by all the staff who were grateful to have them. One staff member commented that they are "time saving, economical, and environmentally friendly."

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