Frontline Feature - Phlebotomy team | News

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Frontline Feature - Phlebotomy team

Phlebotomy team

Our brilliant Phlebotomy team are responsible for performing venepuncture to obtain blood samples from patients across the Trust. They work in a variety of areas including outpatients, surgical and medical wards, oncology and paediatrics. The team deliver a high quality, efficient and compassionate service to patients. Philippa Hanna, Phlebotomy Team Leader, tells us how the team have taken on dealing with Covid-19:

  • How has it been so far?

The team have really pulled together, taken a deep breath and tackled the challenge! It’s a completely unprecedented time so, like everyone on the frontline we have had to be very flexible and reactive as the situation evolves and guidance changes.

Our demand in Phlebotomy has really shifted; whereas normally we experience high footfall in our outpatient clinics, this has very significantly reduced. This has allowed us to reallocate staff from these areas to the wards where our greatest demand and focus currently is.

  • How did you prepare the team for this?

Good, effective communication on a regular basis; including daily briefing emails to keep staff as informed and up to date as possible, especially as our daily huddles are not currently happening in order to adhere to social distancing advice.

  • Are there any examples of innovative working that has taken place in recent weeks?

We have made significant changes to the way we run our outpatient clinics during this time. Previously our St Lukes clinic has been walk-in only; to adhere to social distancing guidelines we have moved to a booked appointment system. This prevents patients gathering at the same time in the waiting area, and spaces them out evenly throughout the day to minimise contact, making sure social distancing guidance is followed.

We have a group of dedicated ‘Covid positive bleeders’ each day. As much as possible we keep the same group for 1-2 weeks before rotating to another group of staff. The idea behind this is to improve efficiency and to decrease the likelihood of multiple members of staff becoming ill at the same time.

  • What achievements are you most proud of within the team?

The Phlebotomists work so well together, supporting one another through challenging shifts. This support carries over from professional life into personal life; we have a very ‘lively’ team WhatsApp group which keeps everyone in good spirits.

One of our Phlebs was stopped by a consultant recently who asked her to pass on huge thanks for all the hard work put in by the phlebotomy team.  He said that both he and his team think we have a fantastic team and the hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed J

We are so proud of our team; their professionalism and the care they show to one another and their patients is inspiring.

  • What would you say to other team’s facing this challenge?

Be a team and support one another through this ever changing time. Prepare and arm yourself with knowledge to the best of your ability while being flexible to adapt to changes as the situation evolves.


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