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Accreditation for Liver Services team | News

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Accreditation for Liver Services team

The Hepatology team standing in front of a window

The Hepatology team are celebrating after being officially awarded the Improving Quality in Liver Services (IQILS) accreditation from the Royal College of Physicians. 

Our hepatology unit is the only centre in Surrey (and one of the very few in the country) to have achieved this accreditation, consolidating our position as a regional Centre of Excellence for hepatology.  

Dr Marinos Pericleous, Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist who is the IQILS lead for the trust, said: “We are incredibly proud of this accolade which showcases the incredibly hard work and commitment of everyone working in the liver unit for the benefit of patients with liver disease.

“Through the process of accreditation with have established a robust interphase between primary and secondary care, and embedded new referral pathways into the ICS infrastructure.

“This national recognition, reaffirms our regional strategic presence as a hub for the operational delivery networks (ODN) for viral hepatitis and autoimmune liver disease. It also celebrates hepatology as the only speciality under medicine running a regional cancer service through independent and joint oncology clinics.

“We have historically ran a big portfolio of hepatology research studies and attracted various grants. This accreditation will enable us to develop new research partnerships and attract more commercial opportunities.

“I would like to give special thanks to all hepatology consultants including Dr Mathew, Dr Gallagher and Prof. Ala, our current clinical director (Dr Alexakis), previous clinical director (Dr Alexandropoulou), matron Sreeja Sukumaran, and service managers Anthony O’Mahony and Jenni Friar, for all of their support with the IQILS submission over the last four years.“