Photo of Dr Chukwudera Eruchie

Dr Chukwudera Eruchie

Job title


Email address


Respiratory Medicine


Dr Eruchie is Consultant Respiratory and General Medical Physician based at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford.

She graduated from St George’s Medical school in London, having gained a prior first class degree with honours in Biochemistry. She completed her respiratory and general medical training in London and Kent, Surrey and Sussex region.

Dr Eruchie has a firm interest in medical education and during her specialist training completed a fellowship in medical education working for Health Education England. She also completed a post graduate certificate in medical education and continues to actively involve herself in education and training roles within the trust.

Dr Eruchie reviews patients with all aspects of Respiratory disease, including bronchoscopy and sampling methods, asthma, lung cancer, respiratory infection, persistent cough, tuberculosis, COPD, Covid associated respiratory presentations, interstitial lung disease and pulmonary fibrosis.

Subspecialty areas of interest include interstitial lung disease / pulmonary fibrosis and Integrated Respiratory Care, liaising and working closely alongside community medical hubs and other members of the respiratory multidisciplinary team in a holistic manner.

Outside of work Dr Eruchie is kept on her toes by two active and inquisitive children who bring zen and chaos in equal measures. The antidote to chaos being exercise in many forms!!

Practice Location

Royal Surrey County Hospital

Record last modified