Consultant Gastroenterologist
Qualifications: MBBS BSc MA MRCP FinstLM
Dr Murugiah is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and General Medical Physician at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, taking up the post in 2021.
Dr Murugiah is the hospital lead for Clinical Nutrition and Medical Simulation training.
He completed his undergraduate medical degree as well as his intercalated BSc degree at St Georges University London graduating in 2009. After completing his junior doctor training in London, Surrey and Kent; Dr Murugiah completed his Gastroenterology specialist training in the Severn Deanery. Towards the end of his training he worked in specialist endoscopy units in Cheltenham and Gloucester. He also completed a Leadership and Management Scholarship in 2020 via the Healthcare Leadership Academy.
Dr Murugiah is a keen educator completing a Master’s degree in clinical education. He is also an honorary lecturer at Cardiff University.
He is a JAG-certified endoscopist; performing OGD’s, Colonoscopies, NJ and PEG tube placements as well as performing emergency endoscopies for acute GI bleeding.
Email address: rsc-tr.GastroSecretaries@nhs.net
Nutrition and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Royal Surrey County Hospital