Photo of Mr John Stebbing

Mr John Stebbing

Job title

Consultant Colorectal Surgeon

Email address


GI Surgery


Qualifications: MA (Cantab) MS (London) MBBS (London) FRCS

Medical secretary (NHS): Nicola Hounsham

Mr Stebbing's interests are focused on the medical and surgical assessment and treatment of patients with colorectal disease. This ranges from the assessment of patients with common symptoms such as rectal bleeding and change in bowel habit to treatment for common “proctology” conditions, such as piles, anal fissure and anal fistula. He has a specialist interest and particular expertise in colonoscopy, bowel cancer screening, management of inflammatory bowel disease and functional bowel problems (IBS, incontinence, constipation and prolapse disorders).

He has a number of local, regional and national roles. Nationally, he is currently Chair of the Joint Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy (the JAG) which supports quality improvement and awards accreditation for endoscopy services. He is also a member of the National Bowel Cancer Screening (BCSP) Advisory Committee, the BCSP Programme Evaluation Group, the BCSP Endoscopy Quality Assurance Group, the Colorectal Cancer Clinical Reference Group and sits on the medical advisory board for the charity Bowel Cancer UK. Regionally, he acts as the professional lead for quality assurance of colonoscopy practice in the screening programme. Locally, he is the Clinical Director of the Surrey Bowel Cancer Screening Centre and Clinical Lead for Endoscopy services at the Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust.


Special interests and treatments

Colorectal disease, Colonoscopy, Bowel Cancer Screening, Proctology and Pelvic Floor Disorders

Practice Location

Royal Surrey County Hospital, Haslemere District Hospital

GMC number


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