Our Trust Board comprises non-executive and executive directors who are jointly responsible for the effective management of Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust.
Led by the Chair, our non-executive directors use their knowledge, skills and experience to help the Board formulate Trust strategies, and support and promote a healthy organisational culture. They hold the Board to account by challenging its decisions and outcomes to make sure they are satisfied that our organisation is operating with financial and operational integrity, and in the best interests of patients and the public.
Led by the Chief Executive, the executive directors are our most senior managers and are responsible for the day-to-day running of the Trust, including matters on strategy and operational management, as well as any issues regarding staff or patients.
Both the non-executive directors and the executive directors regularly speak with patients and staff, listening to their views, ideas and concerns.
Howard Webber was appointed to the Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust Board in 2017. He is Senior Independent Director, Chair of the Charitable Funds Committee and a member of the Quality and People Committee.
Howard began his career in the Home Office and worked in a variety of roles in government departments and quangos including the Cabinet Office and the Arts Council. He was Chief Executive of the Consumer Council for Postal Services and of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.
Howard has had a range of non-executive, charity trustee and voluntary roles, including periods as Board and tribunal member of the Phone-paid Services Authority and as Chair of Lambeth and Southwark Housing Association. Since 2022 he has been Chair of the Orpheus Centre Trust.
Howard has degrees in law, public administration and history, and completed a PhD at King’s College London in 2019. His book ‘Before the Arts Council’ was published by Bloomsbury in 2021.