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In Person Hypnobirthing Master Class

Recurring event

Course types

  • Maternity Course
  • Paid Course


Harness your personal power!

Gain a deeper understanding of how hypnobirthing works and how to master the techniques for yourself and your Birth Partner. Our programme is designed to make you the master of hypnobirthing with the skills to adapt the techniques to your personalised experience. Learn how to support yourself with transferable skills for life.

We strongly believe Hypnobirthing is for everyone. Whether you plan to birth at home, in theatre, in a birth pool or with an epidural. Hypnobirthing will give you the tools to feel more calm and in control. Our courses are completely unbiased and support all parents on their birth journey's regardless of how they are choosing to birth their babies. 

Building on the foundational learning gained in the complimentry hypnobirthing pack this in person workshop includes:

  • Detailed instruction on how hypnobirthing works, what the techniques are and when and how to adapt their use
  • A Hypnobirthing Book to take away for reference, post course activities and deeper reflection. Our book makes a beautiful pregnancy keepsake as well as being a practical tool.
  • A collection of MP3s to download for your continued relaxation and hypnobirthing practice.
  • 4 week Royal Relaxation course
  • Continued support from expert qualified midwives and specialist advice from our in-house Cognitive Hypnotherapist Midwife


In Detail

Hypnobirthing Masterclass*:  a 3 hour in person workshop where you will learn:

  • How the mind and body connection can affect birth and the birthing experience
  • Birthing Hormones and how to maximise them
  • The effects of stress on birth
  • What Hypnobirthing is and how to use it— how regular use of hypnobirthing can support a positive mindset
  • Practical techniques of Hypnobirthing with opportunities to practice in class with the support of our expert midwives
  • Specific focus on the birth partners role within hypnobirthing and the birthing environment 
  • Learn how to adapt and write your own postive affirmations 
  • Learn and practice Light Touch Massage
  • Understand what anchors are and how to use them 
  • Develop skills to recognise, adapy and utilise Hypnobirthing stragies when faced with challenges during pregnancy, birth and parenthood
  • An opportunity for further practice, trouble shooting and more in depth reflection via our included pregnancy relaxation course


Royal Relaxation* an online, group relaxation course for you and your Partner, started at your convenience from a selection of dates. Each week enjoy a Midwife led guided relaxation, additional information and exploration of further topics and strategies for more in depth consideration. Opportunity to discuss any challenges with your personal hypnobirthing practice. Attending Royal Relaxation will also provide access to two bonus relaxation tracks.  

*Hypnosis and visualisation techniques are taught and used during the workshop and Royal Relaxation. If you or your Partner have a mental health diagnosis this class may not be suitable. Please discuss with your mental health team, GP or the Jasmine team before attending the session or commencing any hypnobirthing practice.

Please note attendees are responsible for booking their own Royal Relaxation course (free of charge with the discount code provided up to 30days prior to the Masterclass) and ensuring to book early enough to complete the course before the estimated date of birth.

For further Terms and Conditions, including our refund policy click here

Meet at

Rydes Hill Preparatory School and Nursery

Entrance via Broad Street

What to bring

Pre course work

All attendees to watch the videos in the Complimentary Hypnobirthing pack {link}  and try the Beyond Breathing and Beyond Relaxation audios (if safe to do so) before attending the masterclass.

On the day

Please bring pen and items to increase your comfort such as cushions or a birth ball. Hot drinks and water will be provided but you may wish to bring your own snacks. 


Maternity Events

Course details