Birth and Beyond Complimentary is recommended for all women/ birthing people and their partners registered with Royal Surrey Maternity. This free service covers the essential elements of pregnancy, labour, birth and the postnatal period.
When you book a course it will appear in the Upcoming Courses Section of your Profile page. From there you will be able to review course information and access any links. If your course doesn't appear in your profile or if you have any questions about our free classes and events please email the education team at
This free online pregnancy workshop is taught by one of our Specialist Education Midwives.
We recommend that you attend this class with your birth partner from 12 weeks of pregnancy to help you identify what you need in order to prepare for your baby's birth.
During this 45-60 minute workshop our Midiwfe facilitator will discuss:
Why is it important to consider all potential types of birth
How useful plans are and the difference between plans, preferences and intentions
Common concerns pregnant people and their partners have about birth and how we can support you including what classes we offer
How to record your birth plan
Why and when to share you birth plan with your community/named midwife
Our Facilitator will also guide you through a couple of reflective activities to help you to identify the most important elements for you to have a positive birth experience and what you need to do/know to achieve this.
There will also be time to answer your questions about developing your personlised care plan and selecting parent education classes.
Please note that this session is intended to support you to recognise what you need to learn/practice/research in order to prepare for birth and develop your personalised care plan. It does not include educational information about specific choices e.g, the benefits or risks of pain relief
Your ticket enables you and your birth parter to attend the session together on the same device.
Online Webinar via Teams. Please check your Teams access prior to the start of the workshop.
When using TEAMS, please keep your screen blank and join with 'Guest' if you are wanting to remain anonymous during the session.
This workshop is not recorded.
Pen and paper or something else to record answers to the reflective activities and make notes with.
Maternity Events