Antenatal & Postnatal Class Tickets: Unless explicitly stated otherwise (i.e. In person pregnancy relaxation) one ticket entitles two adults ( one pregnant person and one birth partner) to attend the sessions and access the course content together.
Baby Class Tickets: one ticket permits one baby and one accompanying adult. In the event of twins you will require one adult per child and so two tickets should be purchased.
Free Services: The FREE classes and Education Hub resources are provided for parents booked to have their babies with us. As such you may be asked to provide information to prove your eligibility to attend/access these services.
Paid Services: Our paid Birth and Beyond classes are available to everyone for a fee.
In person Events: Please see your course listing for address details.
Car parking: While free parking is provided at most of our venues, where it is not available (e.g. Godalming baby classes) you are responsible to pay for your own parking fees.
Sign in sheets and name stickers are used at some of our in person events.
Please do not attend any of our in person sessions if you or anyone in your household is unwell. Instead please contact your class facilitator (prior to the missed session) to discuss the suitability of your attendance and where appropriate to discuss alternative arrangements for you to obtain the missed information.
Online Events: Virtual sessions are facilitated via Microsoft Teams which can be accessed with or without a Teams account ( for more information on joining teams see this article https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/join-a-meeting-without-a-teams-account-c6efc38f-4e03-4e79-b28f-e65a4c039508).
Please check that you devise is compatible and log in early to the [first] session to troubleshoot any challenges. If you experience challenges or are running late please email your class facilitator. While the team are not responsible for technical issues on your end they may be able to offer some trouble shooting advice.
For paid online events please change your Teams profile name to match the profile of the ticket booker. Where the ticket entitles two adults to attend you are welcome to attend separately on two devices using the same link but please change the second profile to include the ticket holders name -ie Ashley (partner to Terri)- or notify your facilitator in advance.
Please join the session on time. We retain the right to refuse admission (without refund) to latecomers if the late entry will cause disruption to the session
Periodically Teams will not notify our facilitators that someone is waiting in the virtual “lobby”. If the start time has passed and you have not been admitted, please leave the lobby and re-join. If unsuccessful, please email your facilitator.
Our virtual sessions are not recorded.If you are unable to attend a session due to ill health or exceptional circumstances please contact the course facilitator who will support you to catch up on the missed information.
Learning Environment and Networking: Please be kind and respectful of everyone attending your classes and the midwives facilitating. We want everyone to feel safe, learn and have fun.
Refunds: You are able to claim a complete refund 30 days prior to the start of your chosen event. We are unable to provide refunds for courses (whole or partial) or class transfers where there is less than 30 days to the start of the course/package unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Please take note of the recommended gestation for the courses. Attendees are welcome at any gestation but we recommend that you book your classes in good time. Going in to labour at term (37 weeks+) will not be considered exceptional and no refund will be issued.
Accessing course links and Materials: Once the refund period has passed (30 days prior to the start of your chosen event) the Events Teams link will appear beside your class booking as well as (where relevant) the Course Information Pack.
For Complete Course attendees please see your Complete Info Pack for details on how to book your Royal Relaxation and Baby and Me courses.
Baby Massage/Baby Yoga Parents please review the information pack in advance of attending your course as it outline the pre-course expectations.